Business executives and customer service representatives alike analyze at length various online and offline variations of high-touch and low-touch customer service.

A brief recap:

  • High-touch customer service – This version of customer service includes an increased level of personal contact with the customer. Typically, the customer relation is special, private and personalized, leading to the sell without obviously implying the sell until later in the interaction.
  • Low-touch customer service – This method involves little to no customer interaction, but is typically coupled with free or very low prices, so brand loyalty is not built around support.

Online and offline, we see variations and disparities between these types of support. A business can practice high-touch service, but do not employ a stellar staff so support is faulty and thus becomes bad-touch customer service. A business can practice low-touch customer service, but runs an effective and transparent call center in order to get to the bottom of the customer’s problem or product issue, which is valued.

So, how is perfect touch customer service categorized?

Of course, the definition of perfection varies depending on the customer involved and that person’s need. The variable of “perfection” requires flexible tools that are easy for service reps to use and welcoming to consumers. The trick is determining at what level shoppers want to engage with your brand, and then calling on the right resources to meet that expectation. Today, multimedia chat is helping more e-business move into that category of “perfect” service.

Online, our agents can deliver attentive service with multimedia chat enhancement that lets customers:

  • Use video chat and annotated product videos to help customers master product use;
  • Assist customers with the final, necessary step in the sales process – purchasing;
  • Serve as personal shoppers to high-value or high-need customers; and
  • Consistently provide A+ customer service.

E-businesses can quickly catch up to the level of in-person customer service of brick and mortar stores. Tools to provide perfect customer service are now readily available for motivated organizations.